Promotional Offers

Current Special Offers, Sales, Discounts and more from NeoMetrix Technologies

Take a look at this special set of Promotions on 3D equipment!


 + Geomagic for Solidworks Bundles

Reverse Engineering for Solidworks

Whether you’re an engineer, artist, a school teacher, a designer, an architect, or simply a creative person, 3D Scanning solutions and tools from peel 3D can bring your projects from an idea to complete and functional reality.

Take advantage of our current BIG savings on Professional 3D Equipment
& Reverse Engineering Software.

Save up to $1,500:
  • peel 2-S Bundle
    | peel 2-S, Geomagic for Solidworks |
    Great for small detailed parts
    Use Promo Code: PEEL2SG4SW

  • peel 2 Bundle
    | peel 2, Geomagic for Solidworks |
    Great for medium to large parts
    Use Promo Code: PEEL2G4SW
Save up to $2,500
Complete peel 2 + 2S Bundle
| peel 2-S, Geomagic for Solidworks |
Best of both worlds!
Use Promo Code: PEEL2SG4SW

***Promo expires 6/30/2021***

For Pricing & Inquiries:

Add Promo code under Additional Comments!