HandyProbe NEXT
Next Generation Portable CMMThe complete HandyPROBE Next system has the unique ability to perform real-time dynamic referencing, which means the C-Track is constantly monitoring the work piece, the probe, and the optional MetraScan scanner. This dynamic tracking eliminates the need for rigid mounting of parts and measurement device.
The C-Track optical tracker and wireless probe can be moved at any time during the measurement sequence and generate the same high-quality data. Specifically designed to answer today’s manufacturing quality requirements, the HandyPROBE Next portable optical coordinate measuring machine offers unmatched flexibility and a wider measurement volume than other portable CMMs.
This is a distinct advantage over older, portable arm type systems, which require a firmly fixed relationship between the measurement device and the part being measured. Any relative motion is immediately translated into measurement error, producing incorrect results.
- Metrology-grade measurements: accuracy of up to 0.020 mm (0.0008 in.), high repeatability and traceable certificate
- Dynamic referencing: optical reflectors are used to create a reference system that is “locked” to the part itself, so users can move the object any way they want during measurement
- Volumetric accuracy of 0.064 mm (0.0025 in.) (ASME B89.4.22 standard)
- Single point repeatability of 0.044 mm (0.0017 in.) (ASME B89.4.22 standard)
- Accurate measurement of parts ranging from 0.2 to 10 meters (0.7 to 33 feet) in size
- No accuracy drift over time In your quality control with the easy field calibration procedure
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Accurate Measurements Right on the Shop Floor

Probing & Scanning with Optional MetraSCAN