Scanning & 3D Modeling a Carbon Fiber Drone Blade
Creating a CAD Model of Complex Part Made Easy
Engineering students at the University of North Dakota were working on a project that required an accurate 3D CAD model of a carbon fiber propeller blade for a drone.

3D Scanning solution from the NeoMetrix team using the Creaform HandySCAN Black Elite
Without a coordinate measuring machine of some type, it’s virtually impossible to accurately create a CAD file of something as complex as a propeller blade. Some destructive methods could be employed to cut up a blade, then trace the cross sections of the airfoils, then somehow enter those profiles into a CAD system. This may yield a CAD model, but the geometry would be no where close to the original.

STL From Scan

Airfoil Cross-Section

Final Solid Model
By employing 3D scanning technology for this application, engineers can develop required 3D CAD models faster and more accurately then with traditional methods. A more accurate CAD file means better downstream results for activities like Computational Fluid Dynamics, Finite Element Analysis or 3D printing of duplicates.
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